Stokke Seating Collection


STOKKE® - Best for the health of your child and stunning to look at... 

Wondering which chair is best for your child?

Pop into our Amersham, London or Bristol stores to try the Stokke Steps, the world famous Tripp Trapp chair


Stokke Lovers:

The Stokke Tripp Trapp and Steps High Chair are two of our all time favorite products and available to buy Online or in our Bristol, London and Amersham stores - other Stokke items may no longer be available in store

Which chair is best for your child?

Pop into our Amersham, London or Bristol stores to try the Stokke Steps, the world famous Tripp Trapp chair and chat to us about how to keep your child's spine healthy right though to adulthood. (or give any store a call, we love to chat back care, health and wellbeing)

Try Our Furniture in Store: