NEW Moll Maximo Chair

Moll Maximo Chair

There’s an old adage: “Prevention is better than cure”. It's true for all of us - and applies more the earlier you start. Children are blank canvases, and there is so much that parents can do to protect young spines. It's not possible to stop them sitting for hours on end - its a pre-requisite of school, homework and television - but there are things that can help to preserve vitality, movement and spinal health.

We want to help you hold onto the instinctive ways in which children sit, move, work and play.

Moll Maximo Chair

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Beautiful and built to last

Moll Brand Profile

Moll Funktion is a German company founded on the principles of ergonomic design. They place a strong emphasis on creating functional and aesthetically pleasing furniture solutions.
It's built to last! Their commitment to sustainability is apparent in their approach to crafting products that last and last or grow with a family.

Moll makes furniture that we find enhances productivity and aligns with our values of environmental responsibility.

Moll  Beautiful and built to last